Sunday, September 23, 2012

Choosing the right API in SharePoint 2013 preview

Developer can choose from multiple set of APIs for accessing share point 2013 preview and it depends on below explained of factors.
The type of the Application – This is one of the factors that decide which API to choose.  Developer might be developing the custom web part, App for SharePoint, Silverlight application, ASP.Net application, JavaScript used in SP page, SP application page, Timer jobs, and windows power shell scripts. So selection of the right APIs set depend upon which type of the above application you want to develop.
Proficiency in your skill -   If you are much familiar with SP 2010 client side development then you have lot of choices for choosing the APIs. But also if you are not familiar with SP development and have some good skills in one of the below technology then also you can develop the application choosing the API which matches your skill. So if you are familiar with JavaScript, ASP.NET,REST,.NET Framework ,Windows Phone, Silverlight, Windows PowerShell then you can choose the API matching to your skill.
Device on which Application Runs – This is also one of the important factors which make difference in choosing the right API for development. Your application may run on SP server, Cloud server, Client computers or mobile devices. So you have to think on this also while choosing  APIs set.

Below table gives some idea for choosing the right API set as per the application that you want to develop.
API set
Type of Application
Server Object Modal
Create custom web part, custom timer job, Application page, Site definition, Custom power shell command, Extension of CA
ECMA (JavaScript client side object modal)
Apps for office which works on SP, custom SP pages like html/java script which communicates with SP list/library for CRUD operation.
Silverlight Client side object Modal
SL application that works with SP List/Library and do CRUD operation with SP data
.net frame work CSOM
.net application that communicates with SP data.
REST and oData end points
Create android app which communicates with SP data.
Mobile Client Object Model
Create the windows phone app that communicates with SP data.

Hope you find this information useful in choosing the right API set for you SP 2013 application development.

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