Sunday, September 9, 2012

Share Point 2013 Preview - New Features

Last week end I went through some new features of SharePoint 2013 preview. I explained it in my way in small synopsis for each feature. Also there are lot of other new features introduced in Share Point 2013 preview and this is only tip of the iceberg.  If I get time in next couple of days to explore all other I will definitely make available to you people in my coming new posts..!


This is new feature added in SP 2013 for managing cases. The eDiscovery center creates a portal and this portal can be used to access cases to search, content holding and exporting.
The main benefit of this is that user can work with content that is preserved and can define the scope of preservation. The results now can be of documents, emails and wiki pages.
Mobile devices

Another important feature that added in SP2013 is the ability to render one SP published site in multiple devices. The push notification service can be enabled on the SP site for sending it to the windows phone device. The office web apps like excel, word and PowerPoint now can be browsed on mobile devices.
Business Connectivity Services

In BCS there are lot of new features added. Now it supports BDC connection, WCF, SQL Server, and .Net assemblies. The external lists now have ability to communicate using REST APIs for web and mobile device apps. There is addition of six new cmdlets for BDC.

The SharePoint 2013 Preview now improved in claims-based authentication and now it’s easy to use compared to 2010. The Open Authorization 2.0 and server-to-server authentication is introduced which extends support for application authentication. The cross-server authentication access between SharePoint 2013 Preview and Exchange 2013 Preview is now possible and user can share apps on SharePoint store and manage access to certain people with claim identity.

Business intelligence

This is one of the important featured added in Excel. The IMBI (In-Memory BI Engine) now analysis of millions of rows of data .Power View Add-in for Excel. The visualizations, animations can be done with modeled data using smart querying. The excel service is enhanced to update BI in canter site template. Visio services are now improved with ability to add comments to Visio drawings.

There are some architectural changes in 2013 SharePoint Workflow. If you want SP 2010 workflow building experience then just install share point 2013 server preview But if you want the SharePoint 2013 workflow platform, you need to install and configure Windows Azure Workflow to communicate with your Preview farm. To manage Azure workflow must need Windows PowerShell.

New App Model 

This new app model sets new web standards.  Now you can develop the user experience with HTML and Java script, and leverage share Point and other REST services right from the client using JavaScript and JSON. The new cloud app model also takes advantage of OAuth to allow for secure communication between SharePoint and remote hosted apps and services

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